Flea and Tick
Pests and Parasites

Regional Tick Update
Over the last few years, we have recognized a growing emergence of ticks in our local dog population in the spring and fall. Ticks themselves are a nuisance that can cause local skin irritation from the tick bite but deer ticks, specifically, are known to carry a disease causing bacteria in some areas of the province. This bacteria can be transmitted to dogs (and people) through a tick bite and cause a serious condition called Lyme disease. Presently, our local population of deer ticks have not been shown to carry this bacteria but many regions in Ontario are affected. Dogs can acquire infected ticks if they travel to these areas or if bitten by an infected tick that has “hitch-hiked” to Northern Ontario on a bird from an endemic area.
Chew on this! 1 tasty BRAVE CTO® chew kills fleas within hours, ticks are done within a day
North Bay Animal Hospital's Recommendation for Tick Prevention
Ticks emerge in the spring in grassy areas once the temperature reaches 4°C or above and again once the temperatures decline in the fall. If your dog is an active, outdoor canine then spring ticks can be prevented with Bravecto® - a one dose chewable tablet that can be given around April 1st provides protection for three months. A second dose in the early fall (September to October) can also be given to avoid fall tick exposure. Ticks prefer the cooler weather but dogs can occasionally acquire them through the summer. Regular monthly parasite control is still recommended from June to November for summer parasites.
Most of us are aware that monthly parasite preventives are available for our pet’s protection during the high risk season from June to November. With many products on the market, it can be difficult to choose which product best suits your pet’s needs. A simple look at your pet’s lifestyle will make your decision easier.
Common Parasites
Ear Mites
Intestinal Parasites
Did You Know?...
Our veterinarians collectively have over 75 years experience in canine and feline care. Here is a short list of the things we do:
Dermatology (skin)
Ophthalmology (eyes)
Internal medicine (diabetes, hormonal disease, etc.)
Soft tissue surgeries (abdominal, eye, trauma repair)
Orthopedic surgeries (fracture repair, cruciate ligament repair and more) • Lameness assessment and treatment
Senior pet wellness
Clinical pathology (in house laboratory)
Radiology (regular and dental xray)
Nutrition American Association of Feline Practitioner members for over 10 years - see our website to find out all the things we do in our practice to make it Cat Friendly
The Outdoor Enthusiast
These dogs may live in the country or in town where they take to the bush or trails on a regular basis. These dogs need maximum coverage for all external and internal parasites.
Revolution® and advantage multi® /Bravecto® - fleas, mange, ticks, heartworm and intestinal parasites
The Urban Socialite
These dogs hang out with their human and canine buddies at the park, on a walk and at doggy daycare but most of their time is spent in the asphalt jungle. These dogs need protection against fleas and internal parasites.
Trifexis® and Sentinel® - fleas and intestinal parasites
The Indoor Homebody
These dogs spend most of the time indoors except for the occasional ‘washroom’ break to the backyard. Any time spent outdoors can introduce the possibility of a flea infestation.
advantage® , Program® , Ovicollar® - fleas only K9 advantix® - fleas and ticks
The World Traveler
These dogs travel with their owners into southern Ontario and the U.S. All parasites, including heartworm, should be prevented monthly. Trips down south, even with indoor dogs, can put your pooch at risk.
Revolution® and advantage multi® /Bravecto® - fleas, mange, ticks, heartworm and intestinal parasites
*If you are the “world traveler” and your dog stays home in the boarding kennel then consider coverage for all parasites.
The Urban Tiger
These cats love the great outdoors. They may be busy catching their dinner or just smelling the roses but these felines need maximum protection for all external and internal parasites.
Revolution® and advantage multi® - fleas, ear mites, intestinal parasite
The Feline Couch Warmer
These home-loving kitties rarely venture past the patio door. You may think these strictly indoor cats are risk free but fleas have a sneaky way of hitch-hiking indoors.
Program® injectable, advantage® and Ovicollar® - fleas