North Bay Animal Hospital

Charitable Organizations

The Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides
The Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides is a national fundraising walk held in local communities in each province across Canada. It raises funds to help Lions Foundation of Canada continue to fulfill its mission of empowering Canadians with disabilities to navigate their world with confidence and independence by providing Dog Guides at no cost to them and supporting each pair in their journey together.
Each walk is organized by local volunteers with support from Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides. To date, the walk has raised more than $22 million!
North Bay’s walk will be held at 1pm on June 2 at the North Bay Waterfront and the Team at North Bay Animal Hospital will be there again this year!!

The Farley Foundation
The Farley Foundation is a registered charity that assists Ontario residents by subsidizing the cost of necessary (non elective) veterinary care for people in need. The foundation provides for many groups in society and these include seniors in need, individuals with disabilities, women at risk of abuse and participants in the Ontario Works program. Founded in 2001 by the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, the OVMA has continued throughout the years to generously assist in the administration of the charity. North Bay Animal Hospital is proud to be an active participant in fundraising for this valuable veterinary charity.

The OVC Pet Trust Fund
The Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) Pet Trust Fund is dedicated to providing funding for the health and well being of companion animals. It was established in 1986 and serves to support advanced new research at OVC, assists in training graduate students and veterinary specialists, provides funding for upgrades and enhancements of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and much more.
North Bay Animal Hospital donates on a regular basis through memorial tributes. These donations provide a means of honoring the passing of many of our hospital’s cherished and beloved pets.